Wednesday, November 30, 2005

November 30

After current events today, you had your first Pop Quiz on Canadian government. Most of you did quite well on this quiz. Please make sure that you continue to review material that we cover in class, because you never know when the next quiz will happen. Also you had to do some reading in Chapter 1 (pg. 17, pg. 19-21, pg.24, pg. 26-27). The following questions were assigned as homework from the textbook: "Focus Your Knowledge" Q2-3, and "Apply Your Knowledge" Q1, Q4-5. Tomorrow, we will be watching a video on the Canadian Constitution. I collected your WWI/WWII Research Project today as well. If you didn't hand it in today, please make sure that you get it in soon, I will not accept projects next week!

We watched a video called "World in the Balance, Part 1: The People Paradox" for most of the period. I also collected your World Map assignment. This assignment will not be accepted after Friday. It was also brought to my attention that I didn't put up the life expectancy map so here it is:

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

November 29

Today you watched a video entitled "Our National Parliament", and took notes on key positions and processes of Parliament. I also gave you a crossword puzzle which related to the video. This crossword puzzle is due tomorrow. Don't forget that your WWI/WWII Research Project is due tomorrow. If you are doing an electronic/digital project please make sure that you burn it to a disc (CD-R or DVD-R for example). Don't bring it to school on a jump drive!

I did a surprise homework check of the population terms that were due today in class. I assigned a new project, which is due next Wednesday, which covers researching a country which you selected in class. If you missed today's class, don't worry, there are still many interesting countries to select. Here are some useful websites to help you in your research:

Please don't forget that your mapping assignment is due tomorrow! Assignments will no longer be accepted past 3 days late! In other words, if this assignment isn't complete by Friday, you will receive a mark of zero for it.

Monday, November 28, 2005

November 28

The Liberal party lost the non-confidence vote today in the House of Commons, so it looks like Canadians will be heading to the polls in January.

After current events today, we watched a video entitled "Democracy in Action". Yes, it was a bit cheesy, but it did contain a great deal of information, and hopefully it helped to improve your understanding of democracy in Canada.

We reviewed the concepts of First World, Second World, Third World, Fourth World and Fifth World. We also looked at another way to divide the world up into hemispheres, namely the North and the South. I then gave you time to start on some population key terms. Here is the list of key terms that you are responsible for:

  • demography
  • population growth rate
  • birth rate
  • death rate
  • natural increase
  • natural decrease
  • infant mortality rate
  • Rule of 72
  • doubling time
  • population pyramid
  • dependency load
  • Theory of Demographic Transition

You should define these terms, and for "population pyramid" and the "theory of demographic transition" you should also sketch out an example.

We also watched a short video on "Overpopulation" which was from the video series entitled "The People Bomb".

Here are some maps to help you complete your mapping assignment, which is due on Wednesday. Clicking on the maps will enlarge them.

Friday, November 25, 2005

November 25

We finished off the selecting a cabinet simulation in class. Please remember that your WWI/WWII Research Project is due on Wednesday, November 30th, so this is your last weekend to work on it. Please review your notes for possible pop quizzes next week.

You had class time to work on your maps. This assignment is due on Wednesday, November 30th. I will put up some scanned maps on Monday, to help you finish the project in time. Until then, here are some maps to help you with the continent maps.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

November 24

You had your First World War Unit Final today. If you missed today's class, and your absence was unexcused, you will receive a mark of zero for this test. After the exam, you had time to work on your package of maps. this mapping assignment is due on Wednesday, November 30th.

You had your Sovereignty Unit Final today in class. Don't forget that your glossary of terms for Politics and Government is due tomorrow! Please be ready for a Pop Quiz on Canadian government and politics, it could happen at any time!
You also have your World War I/World War II Research Assignment due on Wednesday, November 30th.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

November 23

Most of today's class was spent doing a simulation where you were a newly elected Prime Minister who had the job of selecting 10 cabinet ministers from a list of 30 possible candidates. There were various factors to consider in selecting your cabinet, such as: age, experience as an MP, ability and expertise, political background, province or region of origin, gender, and whether or not they were a supporter of yours or an opponent in the leadership convention. You narrowed the field down individually and then we moved into groups for further discussion and debate over which candidates would make the best ministers. We will be returning to this activity on Friday. You have your Sovereignty Unit Final tomorrow, so please make sure that you do some more studying tonight.

I gave you more class time to work on your mapping assignment. You will also get time on Friday to work on them. Here's a hyperlink to the Encyclopedia of the First World War, which will be useful to review trench warfare. Focus in on conditions and the organization/construction of the trenches. Please remember to study for your World War I Unit Final, which is tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

November 22

I gave you a list of key terms for Politics and Government today in class, so that you could start making a glossary of terms. This will help you immensely when it comes time to studying. These key terms, as well as the diagram (on page 39) and the process in which a bill becomes a law (page 46) will be due on Friday (I changed the due date) of this week. Don't forget to study for Thursday's Sovereignty Final.

I gave you a large mapping assignment today in class. You will have class time tomorrow to work on it as well. Don't forget to study for your World War I Unit Final which is this Thursday!

Monday, November 21, 2005

November 21

I have sent out the PowerPoint presentation that I delivered today in class. I have added a couple of slides to it. If I were you I would take that presentation and copy and paste it into a Word document and then print it off. I also handed out an outline for this topic. We will be covering the remaining themes before the end of the term. Don't forget to study for Thursday's Sovereignty Unit Final!

We started the new topic in class today. I distributed an outline that covers the major topics that we will be examining in the remaining weeks. Please don't forget to study for your WWI Unit Final which is on Thursday. I gave a more detailed study guide out today in class too, so you will need to get this from a classmate.

Friday, November 18, 2005

November 18

I gave you another reading today in class, which covered bilateral action (specifically, the acid rain issue) and the Earth summit. I will be sending out a short reading on the Kyoto Accord in the next day or so.

We played Jeopardy in class today to help you review for your WWI test (which is next Thursday). If you have some time please check out these fun games:

Thursday, November 17, 2005

November 17

I had you create questions for tomorrow's Jeopardy! game today in class. I also gave you some class time to work on your WWI Research assignment. Once again, if you missed the class when this assignment was given to you, please get it from one of your classmates.
Upcoming important dates for Social 23 students:

  • WWI Research Assignment is due on Wednesday, November 23rd
  • WWI Unit Final is on Thursday, November 24th

In order to help you study for this exam, please use the following study guide...

1. Key People in World War I

2. Key Events of World War I

3. Causes of World WarI

4. Trench Warfare

more details to follow...

Today, I gave you a reading that covered foreign aid. This reading gave you further details on: the Colombo Plan, CIDA, the Commonwealth, La Francophonie, NGOs, and arguments in favor of and opposed to on the following topics:

  • the role of human rights in giving aid
  • tied aid
  • increasing or decreasing foreign aid

Upcoming important dates for Social 10 students:

  • Sovereignty Unit Final is on Thursday, November 24th (this test was rescheduled)
  • WWI/WWII Research Project is due on Wednesday, November 30th

To help you prepare for next week's Sovereignty Unit Final, please use the following study guide in your preparations...

1. Key Concepts (you should be familiar with these terms and concepts):

  • sovereignty
  • independence
  • nationhood
  • nation-state
  • national identity
  • intervention
  • international relations
  • foreign policy
  • "middle power"
  • global community conflict
  • cooperation
  • collective security
2. Canada's Sovereignty (from PowerPoint presentation and reading booklet):

  • political (constitutional) sovereignty (lots of details here)
  • territorial sovereignty
  • characteristics of a sovereign nation
  • nation
  • state
  • nation-state
3. Canada's Role in WWI: (focus on the following issues)

  • aims of Canada's involvement
  • Canadian contributions
  • consequences of the war as it relates to Canadian sovereignty
4. Attaining Independence:(importance of the following in relation to Canada gaining independence from Britain)

  • Imperial War Cabinet's Resolution IX (from textbook and PowerPoint)
  • Paris Peace Conference /Treaty of Versailles
  • League of Nations
  • Statute of Westminster (1931)
  • Constitution Act (1982)
5. Canada's Role in World War II: (focus only one the following)

  • what role did Canada play in WWII?
  • Canadian contribution
6. Canada's Role in the Cold War (PowerPoint and Chapter 15):

  • Canada's role in collective security arrangements (for example, NATO and NORAD)
7. Canada's Foreign Policy: (focus on the reading booklet and PowerPoint presentationon for this topic)

  • what influences Canadian foreign policy?
  • Canadian foreign policy goals/themes
  • aims/objectives of Canadian foreign policy
8. Canada and the United Nations (PowerPoint presentation and Chapter 15):

  • Canadian involvement in UN agencies
  • Security Council/peacekeeping
  • military actions: peacekeeping (examples) and peacemaking (examples)
  • know the difference between peacekeeping and peacemaking
9. Canada in the World/ Canada and International Organizations:(readings)

  • Commonwealth
  • La Francophonie
  • CIDA
  • NGOs
  • Canada's role in the developing world (foreign aid)
  • bilateralism/multilateralism/internationalism
  • acid rain issue/global environment
Please remember that this unit final will be 65-70 questions in length.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

November 16

You wrote your WWI and WWII Test today in class. We will be looking at the foreign aid issue tomorrow in class. I had promised to post a study guide for next week's Sovereignty unit final, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to get to it tonight, for this I apologize. I will post a study tomorrow during my prep. If you want to go over your test that you wrote today, then please come to tutorial tomorrow morning in Room 110.

I gave you some class time to work on a WWI assignment. I gave you a list of people to identify, terms to understand, and events to describe. The list of items is directly from your textbook. If you missed today's class, you'll have to get the list from one of your classmates.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

November 15

Today we spent most of our class time in the library. This was your only class period that I will be giving you to work on your WWI and WWII research project. I also told you that your Sovereignty Unit Final would be next week, on Wednesday, November 23rd. I will be posting a study guide for this unit final within the next day or so. Please start reviewing for this unit final now. I'm posting the hyperlinks that I put up before, I posted these last week, but here they are again.

  • WWI and WWII Test is tomorrow (November 16th)
  • Sovereignty Unit Final is Wednesday, November 23rd
  • WWI/WWII Research Project is due Wednesday, November 30th

We watched a couple of videos today in class related to WWI, and then I gave you a pop quiz on them. Don't forget that you have your Internet research project due tomorrow! You will be having a unit final on WWI next week, I will post a study guide very soon, and give you more details very soon.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

November 13

You might be wondering why I am posting on a Sunday, but I thought that I should post some information related to the test on WWI and WWII for my two Social 10 classes. The test will happen on Wednesday for sure. I will not be giving you a study guide for the test per se, but I will reiterate how the test was constructed. I went through Chapters 7-9 (covers WWI) and Chapter 12-14 (covers WWII) in your textbook. I looked for bolded words, words in italics, and words in quotation marks, these are key terms, key people and key events in WWI and WWII. If I were you, I would likewise go through these six chapters and write down each of these words. From there, if I were you I would prepare for the test by making sure I knew what these key terms meant. Some of the key terms, key events, and key people came up in the PowerPoint presentations too. That is all of the information that I will be giving you.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

November 10

Today we finished reading Chapter 12. The following questions are due for Tuesday: page 251 Q1-5, and on page 252 Q1, Q7, Q9, Q11-12.

I gave you a reading today related to Canada's foreign policy. We had a little bit of time to talk about the reading at the end of class. We'll look at Canada's foreign policy again on Wednesday when we look at foreign aid.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

November 9

I gave you some questions to work on today which covered Chapter 15 in the textbook. You had most of the class to work on it. This assignment is due on Tuesday, November 15th. Don't forget that you have your UN Peacekeeping Map due tomorrow! I will post more hyperlinks related to World War II in the next day or so.

In class today, you were working on "An Overview of World War I" in the Library. This assignment is an Internet based activity. If you missed today's class, you'll ahve to get the booklet from me tomorrow. This assignment is due on Wednesday, November 16th. I also collected your World War I Assignments today, if you didn't hand it in today, please make sure that you do this tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

November 8

I delivered a presentation today on Canada's role in the UN. This presentation also covered Canada's contribution to peacekeeping, and Canadian foreign policy in general. I also handed out a world map, and asked you to label Canadian peacekeeping operations on the map. This map is due on Thursday. If you would like to learn more about today's topic, visit the United Nations website. There are also some interesting articles related to the UN in this electronic issue of the New Internationalist.
As promised, here are some hyperlinks to some valuable websites that may help you with your upcoming research project on WWI and WWII.

As you can see, I had a lot of hyperlinks to give you. These 30 websites are just the tip of the iceberg. I will be posting more hyperlinks before we go to the Library next week. To be honest with you, I'm REALLY tired of creating these hyperlinks. I'll see you in class tomorrow.

You wrote your Imperialism Test today. Your WWI assignment is due tomorrow in class. We will be going to the Library tomorrow as well to start an Internet research assignment.

Monday, November 07, 2005

November 7

I'm sorry for the late posting tonight. I know that I promised a lot of hyperlinks to the Social 10 class, but I don't think that I'll be able to get to it tonight. I'll try tomorrow morning.

I delivered a presentation today on the Cold War. Some of the material in today's presentation comes from content in Chapter 15 in your textbook. I also distributed a WWI and WWII Research Project to class today. This project is not due until Wednesday, November 30th.

I went over some textbook questions that you were working on last week. I also gave you some time to work on either your World War I assignment (it's due on Wednesday) or to study for your Imperialism test (which is tomorrow). Here are some maps that should help you with the WWI assignment. Please click on the maps to see a larger view of the maps.

Please note that the Bosphorus Strait is the area between the two parts of Turkey. If you can find Constatinople (Istanbul), then that is where this strait is located.

This map is in Italian, but it's the best one that I could find. Italy is colored purple on this map, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire is sort of green. Caporetto is almost due north of the Adriatic Sea. It is on the Austro-Hungarian side of the border.

Friday, November 04, 2005

November 4

I showed you the first 30 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan" today in class. Although this film depicts the Americans landing at Omaha Beach in the D-Day invasion, Canadians would have faced similar conditions at Juno Beach. I collected your assignment which was due today. I did not assign any homework over the weekend.

I distributed an assignment today in class which is due next Wednesday. The assignment includes a map of Europe (1914) and a crossword puzzle.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

November 3

Today, delivered a presentation on the Causes of WWI. I have sent this presentation to you already, so please check for it in your e-mail inbox. Additionally, you were to read pages 237-247, and answer the questions on page 247 Q1-5.

Today, I collected your WWI Timeline Notes. I delivered a presentation on Canada's Role in WWII. I will send this PowerPoint out to you tonight. I gave you the remaining class time to work on your Chapter 8-9 questions which are due tomorrow. If you really feel that you can't finish these questions for tomorrow, then please have them complete by Monday.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

November 2

I delivered a presentation today on the Interwar Years, which also touched upon the outbreak of WWII and the Holocaust. I have sent this presentation to you already.
Upcoming important dates:

  • WWI Timeline Notes are due tomorrow
  • chapter 8-9 Questions are due Friday

I started today's class by talking about the causes of WWI. I assigned the following reading: page 232-237, with the following questions due tomorrow: page 237, Q1-5.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

November 1

I apologize for the late posting tonight. I had some issues with my DSL modem...

Please check your e-mail tonight for the Chapter 8 and 9 questions. I sent this e-mail to you this morning. In class today you had the choice of working on the timeline notes, which are due on Thursday, or the Chapter 8 and 9 questions. These questions are due on Friday. Please don't forget that your position paper is due tomorrow.

I gave you your study guide for the Imperialism Test. This test is next Tuesday, November 8th. Here is the study guide for the test:

1. Matching Section
2. Multiple Choice Section
3. Short Answer Section

1. Key People

  • Livingstone
  • Stanley
  • Rhodes
  • Perry
  • Kipling
  • Clive
  • Dupleix
  • Burton
  • Speke
  • Cornwalis

2. Key Terms:

  • imperialism
  • "old" imperialism
  • "new" imperialism
  • colonial system
  • protectorate
  • extraterritoriality
  • caste system
  • Open Door policy
  • sphere of influence
  • British East India Company
  • Dutch East India Company

3. Geography of Africa (1914)

4. The Scramble for Africa

  • Why did Europeans colonize Africa?

5. African slave trade

6. British Imperialism in India:

  • How the British helped India
  • How the British hurt India

7. Imperialism in China

  • Open Door policy
  • Opium Wars (causes and effects)
  • the Boxer Rebellion (effect on China)

8. Imperialism in Japan

  • Commodore Perry
  • ends Japan's isolation
  • adoption of Western ideas and technology
  • Japanese imperialism (Korea, Russia, China)