Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11

You should have continued to discuss the presidency of LBJ today. You were given a summary of LBJ's domestic and foreign policies and were asked to rate him as a president in the following categories: public persuasion, crisis leadership, economic management, moral authority, international relations, administrative skills, relations with Congress, vision/setting an agenda, pursued equal justice for all, performance within the context of times. If you want to see how LBJ compares to other U.S. Presidents, you should check out this assessment from C-SPAN.

You should have started Unit 3 material today, "Foundations of Economic Globalization". I'll continue this lecture with you on Monday.

You completed the four options debate today. Make sure that you go through the Haitian Revolution booklet this weekend, I will be taking it in from you on Monday. A student from the class of 2013 put together excellent companion notes to this booklet. You should be able to find these notes on the IB 20 wiki under Collaborative Notes.

2. Other study tips:
  • know the causes of the French Revolution (short term, long term, economic, political, social, intellectual)
  • know the structure of French society during the Old Regime
  • know Napoleon's domestic policy
  • know Napoleon's foreign policy (Continental System in particular)
  • know key battles in the Napoleonic Wars (results of the Battle of Trafalgar, Russian campaign, the Battle of Leipzig, and the Battle of Waterloo)
  • know chronology of key events in the French Revolution
  • know the chronology of key events in the Napoleonic Age
  • know the key players at the Congress of Vienna (country and representatives)
  • what were the major decisions of the Congress? what were the guiding principles at the Congress of Vienna
  • know the 19th century political spectrum (please see the graphic below; values and characteristics of the various positions on the spectrum; what groups are represented on the various positions on the spectrum?; what phases/accomplishments of the French Revolution are represented on the spectrum?)
3. Study the 19th century political spectrum (click on the graphic to enlarge it)

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